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We are fortunate in South Australia to be surrounded by beautiful marine and coastal environments.

These unique natural areas provide important habitats for our amazing marine life, as well as memorable experiences and rich learning activities for us.

There are many resources available to help us understand these environments and how to protect them.

The rock pool is here to point you in the right direction.

Leafy Sea Dragon at Rapid Bay, Fleurieu Peninsula. Photo: Tom Westphalen.
Leafy Sea Dragon at Rapid Bay, Fleurieu Peninsula. Photo: Tom Westphalen.

About Us

The rock pool connects people, schools and communities with information on South Australia’s coastal and marine environments.

We recommend teachers always assess the suitability of any website, prior to student use. We encourage broader exploration of the links provided, as each website has further information throughout their pages.

Please contact us with any suggestions or comments.

Acknowledgement of Country