South Australian Resources

Dolphin Dock
The Dolphin Dock is designed as a platform to share photos and video footage of the South Australian Port River Dolphins.

Great Southern Reef
A dive off Australia’s wild southern coast reveals what is perhaps the continent’s best kept secret: the fascinating and intrinsically unique Great Southern Reef (GSR). Fuelled by dense kelp forests that drive the productivity and life in the region, the GSR is one of the most pristine and unique reefs in the world.

Green Adelaide Education Resources
Browse downloadable ID charts, teaching tools, packages and games for use in schools and the community. Here you will find information on plants, animals and environments around the Green Adelaide region.

Green Adelaide Sustainable Schools Program
Sustainable Schools is a free program offered by Green Adelaide to help you teach about and connect to the natural world, lead informed action, and enable active citizens.

Keep South Australia Beautiful (KESAB)
KESAB environmental solutions has a number of education resources available for teachers to implement waste learning and management programs within their classrooms.

Marine Discovery Centre
Includes learning activities such as an online diving game which explores temperate waters whilst informing about marine creatures and coastal issues for Years 3-9; a fishing game which promotes sustainable fishing for Years 2-7 and a marine quiz for various age groups.

Marine Parks in South Australian Waters Teaching Resources
New Curriculum linked teaching resources are available to assist teachers in bringing marine parks into their classrooms. The resources showcase the network of 26 State and Commonwealth marine parks in South Australian waters, building an understanding of where marine parks are and how they contribute to marine conservation of habitats, species, food webs and ecosystems. The Years 7-10 resource – “Understanding more about marine parks in South Australian waters” showcases marine ecotourism, with students guided to develop ideas for a new ecotourism venture in a marine park. The resources are strongly linked with STEM, Geography and Work Studies and incorporate a Teachers Resource at the front and the Student Project Files at the back, whilst utilising Project Based Learning and the Solution Fluency Methodology.

Resources, Coast Protection Board
Securing the future of our coastline.

The Amazing Adventures of Gavin, a Leafy Seadragon
An animated movie suitable for a wide range of students, about the journey of a Leafy Seadragon travelling along South Australia’s coastline. YouTube (16:07)

The Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board
Provides a systematic approach to teaching about catchments and ecosystems. There are four areas of learning: understanding catchments, understanding ecosystems, human impacts and taking action.
People who can visit you

SeaStar Rock
An interactive musical performance for early years to early primary-aged students that includes singing, dancing and playing games, and promotes marine sustainability.
Page credits
Page banner: Short-tailed Nudibranch at Rapid Bay, Fleurieu Peninsula. Photo: Tom Westphalen.