Australian Resources

Australian Association for Environmental Education
Connects to the Marine Education Society of Australasia’s (MESA) education resources for Sea Week.

Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Australian Government (AMSA)
As Australia’s national regulatory body, AMSA promote the safety and protection of our marine environment and combat ship-sourced pollution. Providing the infrastructure for safety of navigation in Australian waters, and maintain a national search and rescue service for the maritime and aviation sectors.

Australian Microplastic Assessment Project (AUSMAP)
AUSMAP is the bridge between a massive problem and the solutions. It is designed to document and analyse microplastic pollution in Australian aquatic environments. The Total Environment Centre (TEC) and Macquarie University are the project leaders, working with a consortium of research, environment, education, government and sustainable business organisations.

Birdlife Australia
Includes education programs and resources on beach-nesting birds, Shorebirds 2020 Migratory Shorebirds monitoring and activities for a wide age-range of students. Publications include The Wing Thing, Shorebirds and Beach-nesting Birds information and activities booklets for students, teachers and parents.

Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation through investing in knowledge, innovation, and marketing aims to increase economic, social and environmental benefits for Australian fishing and aquaculture, and the wider community.

Gould League
The shop sells a range of resources related to Australian coastal and marine environments.

Marine Debris, The Tangaroa Blue Education Kit experience (F -10)
The Tangaroa Blue Education Kit creates awareness about marine ecology and conservation issues by asking the following questions: What is marine debris? Why is marine debris a problem? What can we do about it?

Oz Coasts, Australian Government
Oz Coasts provides comprehensive information about Australia’s coast, including its estuaries, coastal waterways and climate change impact.

The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) is Australia’s tropical marine research agency. AIMS plays a pivotal role in providing large-scale, long-term and world-class research that helps governments, industry and the wider community to make informed decisions about the management of Australia’s marine estate.
Page credits
Page banner: Short-tailed Nudibranch at Rapid Bay, Fleurieu Peninsula. Photo: Tom Westphalen.