SA’s Marine and Coastal Condition

Aquatic ecosystem condition reports, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The EPA monitors South Australian waters (creeks, rivers, marine) in order to assess their condition and provide information that can be used to guide management decisions.

Managing Adelaide's beaches, Government of South Australia
Find out how the State Government works with local councils to manage Adelaide’s metropolitan beach system and keep sand on our beaches.

Oz coasts, Geoscience Australia, Australian Government
The coastal indicator knowledge and information system provides fact sheets of background scientific information for managers, students, researchers and policy makers with an interest in the coastal zone.

Protecting South Australia's coastal environment, Government of South Australia
Our coastline is losing its natural resilience, which means that our beaches are less able to protect themselves from storms. Managing and protecting our precious coastline is critical for our environment, social and economic need. In recognition of this, the state government is investing more in our beaches and coasts.

State of the Environment, South Australia, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
A comprehensive summary of the condition of South Australia’s marine and coastal environments (including pressures and impacts). The EPA monitors South Australian waterways (lakes, creeks and rivers, marine) in order to assess their condition and provide information that can be used to guide management decisions.
Page credits
Page banner: Blue-throated Ascidian at Rapid Bay, Fleurieu Peninsula. Photo: Tom Westphalen.