Conservation and Restoration Groups
All our behaviours have an impact on the environment around us, and many actions on land also affect marine ecosystems in positive and negative ways.
These groups and organisations are working to improve South Australia’s marine and coastal environments. Check with your local council for other initiatives.
South Australia

The Australian Ocean Lab (AusOcean) is an environmental not-for-profit organisation with a difference. Their mission is to help our oceans through technology.

Birds SA
Birds SA promote the conservation of Australian birds and their habitats.

Dolphin Dock
The Dolphin Dock is designed as a platform to share photos and video footage of the South Australian Port River Dolphins.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
A number of initiatives including the Adelaide Coastal Water Quality Improvement Plan (ACWQIP).

Estuary Care Foundation
Estuary Care Foundation (ECF) promotes the protection of the ecology and shorelines of South Australia’s Port River and Barker Inlet. The foundation has a culture of engaging with communities (including environment, government, business and education), and a strong foundation in citizen science. It promotes nature-based solutions through community action.
Experiencing Marine Sanctuaries
Experiencing Marine Sanctuaries (EMS) is an incorporated, not-for-profit, non-government organisation. Jump in with EMS accredited guides and marine biologists for a snorkel or VR tour of South Australia’s unique marine life.

Friends of Gulf St Vincent
The Friends of Gulf St Vincent is a not-for-profit community group concerned about the condition and health of this unique body of water.

Friends of Parks SA
Friends of Parks Inc is the independent state body established to protect and represent the interests of the many individual Friends of Parks groups and Affiliated groups in SA. Together these groups (over 113 in 2016) represent a membership of over 5000 volunteers whose common interest is the protection and enhancement of South Australia’s natural and/or cultural heritage.

Friends of Windara Reef
Windara Reef is the largest shellfish reef restoration project ever attempted in Australia. Using proven methods of restoring lost shellfish reefs in southern Australia, The Nature Conservancy, along with project partners the Australian Government (through its National Stronger Regions Fund), South Australian Government, Yorke Peninsula Council and the University of Adelaide, are creating Windara Reef off Rogues Point, Yorke Peninsula in the Gulf St Vincent. Friends of Windara Reef advocate the benefits of Windara Reef, and aspects of the reef’s development and sustainability.

Keep South Australia Beautiful (KESAB)
Community and environment are the core business of KESAB environmental solutions. KESAB reaches tens of thousands of South Australians through programs including Road Watch, Sustainable Communities, Clean Marine, NRM Education, Wipe Out Waste Program (WOW), Clean Site, Litter Less, Butt Free, Illegal Dumping and Environmental Audits.

Action for Dolphins (AFD)
The aim of AFD is to stop cruelty to, and gain legal protection for, small cetaceans (dolphins and other small whales). AFD focuses on small cetaceans because these sentient animals do not have adequate legal protection, and are subjected to some of the most extreme cruelty inflicted on animals anywhere in the world.

The Australian Ocean Lab (AusOcean) is an environmental not-for-profit organisation with a difference. Their mission is to help our oceans through technology.

Australian Coastal Society
The Australian Coastal Society (ACS) is dedicated to healthy coastal ecosystems, vibrant coastal communities and sustainable use of coastal resources.

Australian Marine Conservation Society
The Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) is the voice for Australia’s oceans. We are Australia’s only national charity dedicated solely to protecting our precious ocean wildlife – a community of ocean lovers across the nation working for healthy seas.

Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Australian Government (AMSA)
As Australia’s national regulatory body, AMSA promote the safety and protection of our marine environment and combat ship-sourced pollution. Providing the infrastructure for safety of navigation in Australian waters, and maintain a national search and rescue service for the maritime and aviation sectors.

Australian Microplastic Assessment Project (AUSMAP)
AUSMAP is the bridge between a massive problem and the solutions. It is designed to document and analyse microplastic pollution in Australian aquatic environments. The Total Environment Centre (TEC) and Macquarie University are the project leaders, working with a consortium of research, environment, education, government and sustainable business organisations.

BirdLife Australia
BirdLife Australia is dedicated to achieving outstanding conservation results for our native birds and their habitats.

National Marine Science Plan
The National Marine Science Committee launched the National Marine Science Plan on 11 August 2015 at Australian Parliament House. The Plan draws together the knowledge and experience of Australia’s marine research organisations, universities and government departments and more than 500 scientists.

Oceans and atmosphere, Commonwealth Scientific Industrial and Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Providing knowledge to manage Australia’s marine areas and atmospheric environment.

Oceans and coast, Commonwealth Scientific Industrial and Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Working to discover, enhance and sustain marine ecosystems and maximise the benefits from Australia’s marine territory. Exploring the interplay of oceans and climate, and adaptation responses for our coastal communities.

Marine Stewardship Council
The Marine Stewardship Council is an international non-profit organisation. We recognise and reward efforts to protect oceans and safeguard seafood supplies for the future.

One World One Ocean
Our mission is to raise awareness of ocean degradation. To inspire you by showing how amazing the ocean can be in its healthy, wild state. And to spark a global movement to protect our seas, by showing the world just how much we stand to save, if we stand for the ocean.

Sea Shepherd
Sea Shepherd is an international, non-profit marine conservation organization that campaigns to defend, conserve and protect the world’s oceans.

The Dolphin Project
Dolphin Project is a non-profit charitable organization, dedicated to the welfare and protection of dolphins worldwide. Founded by Richard (Ric) O’Barry on Earth Day, April 22, 1970, the organization aims to educate the public about captivity and, where feasible, retire and/or release captive dolphins.

The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive.

Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC)
WDC, Whale and Dolphin Conservation is the leading charity dedicated to the protection of whales and dolphins.

World Wildlife Fund
Working to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people and nature.
Page credits
Page banner: Blue-throated Ascidian at Rapid Bay, Fleurieu Peninsula. Photo: Tom Westphalen.